We've been working to institute increased levels of organization and cleanliness around here. Every week Jake sets goals for things he wants to work on. Each day he checks off how he does on his goals as well as the responsibilities he has for school and help around the house. We pay him each week according to how well he worked, and he can save the money for clothing and other needs. He is naturally a responsible kid, and he has been doing awesome.
Jake designed this clip to hang up his weekly lists and goals. |
I helped Abby and Grace make little chore charts for morning and bedtime responsibilities. They had fun choosing paper and attaching stickers, and they were both pleased with the finished product.
Mornings they make beds, pray, get dressed, brush their teeth, and get their hair done. |
At bedtime they clean up the house and their rooms, put on their jammies, brush their hair and teeth, and pray. |
While we were working on those little beauties, I noticed that we hadn't been hearing from Emma. Never trust a quiet toddler. What was our little explorer doing all this time? Cleaning up from breakfast, of course. She started by pulling the oatmeal pan down and scraping out the last few crumbs. She then went on to find the brown sugar bag and evenly distribute its contents on her face, hands, shirt, and pants. Mmm mmm good.
Organization is sweet. Just ask Emma.
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