Thursday, January 31, 2013

Stretch Marks

Several weeks ago we sat at dinner with some friends who have struggled for years with infertility. They are currently in the process of trying to adopt a foster child, but it is a long, hard road. They posed a question about whether they would be ready for a child.

“You’re never really ready to be a parent,” we quickly jumped in. “Parenthood is like a mission. It doesn’t matter how many classes you take or books you read—nothing prepares you for what it’s really like.” You get there, jump in with two feet and an open heart, and the Lord molds you for the burden. And you quickly see just how much you need Him.

At our house we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of baby #4 at the end of the summer. We are excited. We feel so blessed that the Lord is sending us another child. Will we be ready? Is anyone ever truly ready to be completely responsible for the care, teaching, and nurturing of another person? No. We will try to prepare. Then we will get there and the Lord’s grace will carry us.

We don’t have children because we are incredibly prepared or unusually bright or talented or capable. We don’t have children because it’s easy or convenient. We have children because we are so completely in love with each other and the kids we have and we want to have more. We have children because we believe that one of the nicest things you can do for your kids is to give them siblings.
We have children because we trust His will. We trust that as we grope through the darkness we will find His hand. He will lead us to the light. We will come to know Him better as we learn to love and care for the precious souls He entrusts to our care.

The decision to have a child is a decision to be stretched—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is a decision to grow. But the child is His and He will walk with us. And we will need Him.  

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